The Greenplate® Smart BBQ Monitoring System Is Here!
Greenplate® have developed the FIRST Fully Integrated Smart BBQ Monitoring System which communicates information monitored off the BBQ back to a centralised Dashboard via the NB-IoT Network.
How much time is spent dealing with issues relating to public BBQ’s? Greenplate, through years of manufacturing and servicing electric barbecues continue to hear of the extensive budgets local governments and holiday parks need to respond to problems and keep the barbecues functioning. The Smart BBQ Monitoring System will help drive maintenance costs down, improve on fault response times and will offer genuinely useful reporting on system usage and energy consumption – all from the comfort of your office or base station.
The Smart BBQ Monitoring System tells asset owners the following information;
- BBQ Fault Detection (Notifies owners of issues with the BBQ)
- Fat Bin Level (Detects the level of the fat bin and displays as a %)
- Tripped Breaker Alert (A battery backup allows for an alert to notify user to turn breaker back on)
- BBQ Usage Display (Cycle Counter and Power Consumption)
- Remote Shutdown of BBQ (Disable the BBQ Unit, useful during events or shutdown of parks for maintenance)
- Remote Adjustment of BBQ Temperature (Be able to remotely change the temperature of the BBQ from the dashboard)
- Door Open/Close Notifications (Displays the door state either open or closed and records the time it was opened)
- Email Notifications (Each BBQ can be assigned an email address for alerts to be sent to)

The System
The Smart BBQ Monitoring System has been designed to save asset owners on unrequired service calls. It supplies the owners with information regarding the usage of the BBQ allowing for assessment to be made on its viability … If it’s not being used move it on.
The system also provides useful information regarding power trends in parks. Reports that can be generated showing brownouts or large draws on the grid at peak times. All this information can also be integrated into existing Dashboards by Greenplate representatives allowing for a smooth transition into already developed dashboard or alert systems.
Greenplate will be showcasing this Smart BBQ Monitoring System this month at two upcoming exhibitions
The Caravan Industry Association of Australia’s National Conference on the 15, 16 and 17 of May and also the Clean Tech National Conference on the 29, 30 and 31 of May.
In turn if you would like a complete demonstration of the Smart BBQ Monitoring Systems Capabilities contact Greenplate directly.
Remember if it’s Greenplate its Great!