With the recent lifting of some COVID-19 related restrictions in South Australia, residents are now allowed to take their children to playgrounds and skate parks.
The Greenplate barbecue systems at St Clair Recreation Space have now been re-enabled by the City of Charles Sturt Council. This was all done in a few minutes remotely using the Greenplate Smart BBQ Management system – Now THAT is not only SMART but genuinely PRACTICAL!
Remember: if it’s Greenplate it’s Great!

Smart BBQ Monitoring
Key Features:
- BBQ Fault Detection (Notifies Owners of issues with the BBQ)
- Fat Bin Level (Detects the level of the fat bin and displays as a %)
- Tripped Breaker Alert ( A battery backup allows for an alert to notify the user to turn breaker on)
- BBQ Usage Display (Cycle Counter and Power Consumption of the BBQ is displayed this also can display power trends in parks with both min and max voltages occurring)
- Remote Shutdown of BBQ ( Disable the BBQ Unit, useful during events or shutdown of parks for maintenance)
- Remote Adjustment of BBQ Temperature (Be able to remotely change the temperature of the BBQ from the dashboard)
- Door Open/Close Notifications (Displays the door state either open or closed and records the time it was opened)
- Email notifications (Each BBQ can be assigned an email address for alerts to be sent to)