Greenplate BBQ’s are continuously being installed across Europe with new locations added all the time. Pictured are a number of recent installations with the first being installed in the Czech Republic. An African style theme was used for the design of the BBQ bench to accommodate the locations mud hut buildings seen in the background.

Ullared Camp Site
The First BBQ was supplied to Ullared which is known as the largest shopping destination in Sweden or even all of Scandinavia. The BBQ is located near the RV Campsite to provide cooking facilities for dedicated shoppers who travel from various locations across Europe to experience what this famous shopping destination has to offer.
Linköping Sweden
The second BBQ was installed on a rooftop in a new apartment building located in Linköping Sweden using an all Stainless Steel bench construction to ensure the product will still be cooking quality food for years to come.
Greenplate are extremely excited to continue seeing our Australian invention providing a quality energy efficient cooking experience across the other side of the world.