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Simple, Safe and Cost-Effective! Assets such as public amenities blocks, changing rooms at sports grounds, in fact anywhere that needs to be locked and unlocked at certain times to control entry and exit times can benefit from automated locking systems.

With the recent lifting of some COVID-19 related restrictions in South Australia, residents are now allowed to take their children to playgrounds and skate parks. The Greenplate barbecue systems at St Clair Recreation Space have now been re-enabled by the City

Every Greenplate Solar BBQ System is specifically designed to suit the requirements of its environment. If the area chosen is susceptible to vandal attack, we use Thin Film Solar Arrays for their phenomenal durability. These arrays are

Sometimes we need some extra space to prepare and plate up that sumptuous barbecue feast. The MYLES Double Barbecue System with Extended Bench Top provides exactly that.

Perfect for busy areas where food prep areas may not be available such as foreshore promenades, busy public parks and high-rise apartment roof tops.

With widespread lockdown regulations currently in force, parks and community open space areas may be out of bounds to most of us but, this might just be the right time to update and upgrade or even add some of the important assets that make these spaces so valuable to communities.

Our SMART Management System Saves Time and Resources and this has been highlighted during the recent series of park and open space closures due to COVID-19 Regulations. Most Councils and Shires have taken steps to curtail the use